Within the updates that are released for Google Chrome, new functions are added that allow us to optimize the functionality of the browser to the maximum and with the new version of Google Chrome 108 we find a specific function to save battery when using the browser. With it, it is expected to limit the activity in the background that the browser executes, which implies effects, downloads and more accessories, this will help not only the battery but also other system resources..
When this function is enabled we will see the battery section in the performance settings and this applies to all supported Google Chrome operating systems. When we have portable equipment, it is important to take into account aspects related to the battery since its management will depend on whether our equipment more or less extends the life of the battery and therefore its operation.
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How to enable Google Chrome battery saver
Step 1
For this we open a new tab in Chrome and enter "chrome://flags":
Step 2
We look for "battery" and we will see the following:
Step 3
We select the "Enabled" option in "Enable the battery saver mode feature in the settings":
Step 4
We click on "Relaunch" to apply the changes and confirm that this option has been activated:
step 5
Now we go to "Customize and control Google Chrome -Settings":
step 6
In the "Performance" section it is possible to configure the battery saving in the browser:
There it is possible to activate the energy saving by going to 20% or when the equipment is disconnected..
This mode will help us optimize savings and battery life when using Google Chrome.