+3 votes
How to solve problems with Bluetooth Huawei P30 Pro

in Android by (552k points)
reopened | 1.8k views

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer

1. How to pair Huawei P30 Pro with another device via Bluetooth
2. How to unbind Huawei P30 Pro to fix Bluetooth connection failures
3. Update Huawei P30 Pro to the latest version to fix Bluetooth error
4. Reset Huawei P30 Pro from factory to fix Bluetooth error

Bluetooth continues to be a primary tool for transferring information from one phone to another device quickly. This tool has been adapted to technological advances allowing even the transfer of multimedia content with devices such as television, speakers, printers ....

Although mobile phones are provided with bluetooth compatible applications that are subject to high standards of security and reliability, it is possible that sometimes there may be problems TechnoWikis through this tutorial will explain how to solve a Huawei P30 Pro.

We also propose you the videotutorial with the necessary steps to be able to fix any problem with the Bluetooth on a Huawei P30 Pro..

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1. How to pair Huawei P30 Pro with another device via Bluetooth

One of the most frequent errors, refers to the inability to correctly match one team with another. Then you can see the correct way to execute this procedure.
Step 1

It slides down the main screen so that you can see the Menu, there you can see the alternative "Bluetooth" only this option must be selected.


Step 2

Afterwards, a pop-up window will open with a varied list of sections from which we must choose "Activate Bluetooth".


Step 3

Subsequently, a window will open where you can see "Device available" here automatically shows a menu with all available devices that could interconnect with the phone at that time, we put the name with which we want to connect to perform the transfer of information and we select it.


Step 4

To conclude, a tab will be displayed where it will be possible to observe an information message that establishes the necessary key so that the device can be paired with the other using Bluetooth, for this we only have to press on the "Link" alternative that can be see in the lower right part of the screen both our mobile and that we want to link.


2. How to unbind Huawei P30 Pro to fix Bluetooth connection failures

If for some reason there is a problem of communication or connection between the devices, it is necessary to start by disabling the link between one device and another.
Step 1

Steps 1 and 2 of the method described above must be carried out again, afterwards you will reach the alternative "Linked devices" on the right side of this, you can see a small drawing representing a cogwheel we must press there.


Step 2

Immediately will open a screen whose name is Bluetooth device linked, where you can see in the bottom of the screen the option "Unlink" on this we must click.


It is important to note that at the end of the process of unlinking, it is necessary to repeat all the steps that were executed in the aforementioned method, if after doing this the problem of interconnection or continuous malfunction, it will be necessary to perform a test with another telephone as a way to be sure if the problem is due to the connection or the equipment.

3. Update Huawei P30 Pro to the latest version to fix Bluetooth error

This procedure must be carried out only after having executed the two previous methods, TechnoWikis will explain by means of short and simple steps the correct way to carry out the update.
Step 1

We locate and select the option "Settings" that is located in the main menu of the team.


Step 2

The option "System" must now be pressed.


Step 3

Now a menu will appear where we should select "Software Update".


Step 4

If any update is available, we must press "New Version", thus achieving an immediate update of the device to the most recent version in the market. As a final point to conclude the procedure just click on "Download and install" which is located at the bottom of the screen.


4. Reset Huawei P30 Pro from factory to fix Bluetooth error

We must take into account before executing this reset action, that when processing it will be not only the content information in the Bluetooth, but also all the content stored in the device, that is why before resetting the factory settings the phone will be You must backup everything stored in a backup. Then we leave you a video where you will know the fastest and easiest way to reset the phone to the initial values.

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With these methods you can solve any kind of problems that arise with the bluetooth tool contained in the Huawei P30 Pro.

by (3.5m points)

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