+3 votes
You do not have sufficient permissions to uninstall

in Windows11 by (552k points)
reopened by | 124 views

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Say goodbye to "You don't have enough access to uninstall a program"
Try to get Administrator permissions
Use the Registry Editor
Use a third-party uninstaller

Although it is true that Microsoft has managed to correct some of the most common Windows errors with the different updates released to the market, we cannot fail to mention that certain errors tend to recur despite them. In any case, there are some messages that are already famous, like the one we are going to analyze today. This is the classic “ You don't have enough access to uninstall a program ”.

Basically, and as the legend itself somewhat anticipates, we can say that this inconvenience occurs at the very moment in which we are trying to get rid of some software installed on the computer. As a result of unknown reasons, Windows shows us this alert message, and that's when we wonder what to do, because up to then we've never had this kind of problem.

Well, in the following lines we are going to show you just three of the infinite solutions that exist for this message. In any case, if they were not useful to you, all you have to do is leave us a comment about it.

Say goodbye to "You don't have enough access to uninstall a program"

Try to get Administrator permissions

First of all, and even knowing that you probably started here, you have to try to obtain Administrator permissions. If it's your computer, it's possible that no one else has those permissions, but certain system vulnerabilities may have left you without them.

What you are going to do then is search for the app in question that you want to delete. If the phrase You do not have enough access to uninstall a program appears, what you are going to do is try your luck as Administrator:

  • On the same app, click with the right mouse button
  • Select Run as Administrator
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the uninstall process

Use the Registry Editor

Registry Editor can get us out of some predicament like this. Although it is true that this is a more well-thought-out answer for those who have some experience, by following this tutorial you will be able to do it without complicating yourself:

  • Go to the Start screen of your PC
  • Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run box
  • There write regedit and click OK
  • En el Editor del Registro, ve a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • From that place, you will be able to access each program installed on your device and, eventually, delete it. You just have to search for it and then double click on UninstallString to open its Properties
  • When they've opened, go to Value Data
  • Next, open a command line window on your device with Windows + X
  • Right click inside the Command Prompt window, paste the path and press Enter

When you have completed all the previous steps, an uninstall process will begin, which will end with the program in question being removed from your computer. Of course, this method does not work in apps that use the MSI installer.

enough access uninstall program 3

Use a third-party uninstaller

If the message You do not have sufficient access to uninstall a program persists, and you are in urge to get rid of the software in question, you can always bet on a third-party uninstaller. There are many very good ones.

Among them, we can recommend that you give two of the most popular in their segment a chance. We are talking about both IObit Uninstaller and Revo Uninstaller . Both are very easy to use.

by (552k points)
+4 votes

1 Enable Administrator user
2 Change user account control settings
3 Restart Windows Installer service
4 Uninstall as Administrator
5 End program
6 Use Safe Mode
7 Uninstall from Registry Editor
8 Change application property
9 Uninstall application from CMD

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In Windows, most of the tasks are based on the permissions that the user manages and has, for this reason there are different types of users, each one with special permissions and an error that can happen is that when trying to uninstall an application we see the error that We do not have sufficient permissions and it is not even possible to open the uninstall wizard.


If it tells us that You do not have Sufficient Permissions to Uninstall, we will not be able to follow the uninstall process and we will not be able to remove the software we do not want. This is an error that affects being able to remove said program from the system but today we have some solutions for this error. We recommend that you try each one until you manage to remove the program in Windows 11.



1 Enable Administrator user


Step 1

In this case we seek to activate the integrated Windows Administrator user, which has all the permissions to perform tasks in the system, it is disabled by default due to security issues, to activate it, we are going to open the command prompt console or the terminal as administrator:




Step 2

Now we are going to execute the following command:
 net user administrator /active:yes 


Step 3

Once enabled, we are going to click on the user profile in the Start menu and there we click on Administrator which has been enabled:




Step 4

The login page will load:




step 5

We start the session with this profile and once we access we validate if the wizard opens to uninstall the application or we try to uninstall it:




step 6

We click on the uninstall executable and the wizard opens:






step 7

There we can click on "Uninstall" to validate said process. Now we can go back to the initial session.





2 Change user account control settings

UAC (User Account Control – User Account Control) is a security mechanism in Windows which launches a warning when attempts are made to perform certain operations to protect the integrity of the computer and user data, it may happen that this is the cause of it is not possible to uninstall the application.


Step 1

We are going to disable this temporarily, in the search engine we enter the word "user" and then click on "Change user account control settings":





Step 2

The following will open: We move the slider to the bottom:






Step 3

Apply the changes.




Step 4

Let's reboot the system to apply those changes:




step 5

The system will reboot. Then it will be possible to validate if it is possible to uninstall the application.





3 Restart Windows Installer service


Step 1

We can try to restart the service to refresh all the processes associated with it, for this we are going to open services from the search engine:




Step 2

In the services console we are going to look for the “Windows Installer” service:




Step 3

At the top we click on the "Restart" line and wait for the process to complete. The service will be up and running again.




4 Uninstall as Administrator


Another of the solutions TechnoWikis offers you is to run the uninstall process directly as an administrator.


Step 1

To use it, we are going to go to the path where the application is installed, then right-click on the uninstaller and select the "Run as administrator" option:





Step 2

We confirm if the wizard opens:





5 End program

This option applies when the application is active, so what we will do is finish all the associated processes in order to try to carry out the uninstall process correctly.


Step 1

To do this we go to the route "Start - Settings - Applications - Installed applications":




Step 2

We are going to click on the menu of the application to uninstall and select "Advanced options":




Step 3

Then we click on "Finish" to end all its processes and be able to carry out the process without error:




6 Use Safe Mode

Another of the simple solutions to uninstall a program without error in Windows is using Safe Mode which starts Windows with the minimum of drivers to carry out precise administrative tasks.


Step 1

In this case, from the search engine we enter the word "msconfig" and then open the "System Configuration" utility:




Step 2

In the pop-up window we are going to go to the "Boot" tab and there we activate the "Error-safe boot" box:




Step 3

When applying the changes we must restart the system:




Step 4

We click on "Restart" to access Safe Mode:




step 5

We will have access to this mode. From there we try to open the uninstall wizard to see if it works:





step 6

You can reboot the system to access normal mode.




7 Uninstall from Registry Editor


Step 1

Through the Registry Editor we can configure the permission to remove the application without any error, we open the Registry Editor from the search engine:




Step 2

We will go to the following route:
Step 3

Now we are going to right click on the application folder and select the "Permissions" option:





Step 4

We will see the following: We leave the default option selected and activate the "Full control" box:





step 5

We apply the changes and try to uninstall the application.





8 Change application property

This is another of the available options and is to take ownership of the application.


Step 1

To achieve this we are going to go to the path where the application is installed and there we right click on the shortcut and select "Properties":




Step 2

Now we go to the "Security" tab and click on "Advanced options":




Step 3

The following will open. If in the upper part the current user who logged in is not the owner, we must click on "Change" and assign it from the pop-up window.


We apply the changes.




9 Uninstall application from CMD


Step 1

This is an option that applies only to some system applications but not to all in general, we open the command prompt console as administrator:




Step 2

First of all we are going to execute the “wmic” command to access the utility, then we will list the applications with the “product get name” command:




Step 3

If the application to remove is there we can execute the following:
 product where name=[program name] call uninstall 
These solutions will help you uninstall an app without error in Windows 11.


by (3.5m points)

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