+4 votes
Change font size with keyboard shortcut

in Office by (552k points) | 360 views

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Change font size with keyboard shortcuts by 1 point
Change font size with shortcuts around 2 point
Reset font size by key combination

Change font size with keyboard shortcut? It's easy in Word. Read here which shortcuts enlarge and reduce the size of the font.

Change font size with keyboard shortcuts by 1 point

  1. Select the text you want to format in another font size .
  2. Press  [Ctrl-8] to make the font smaller by one point
  3. [Ctrl - 9] enlarges the font by one point.

Attention: This does not work with the numbers on the numeric pad on the right side of the keyboard, but only with the numbers above the letter field.

Change font size with keyboard shortcut

With the help of shortcuts you can change the font size in Word.

Change font size with shortcuts around 2 point

  1. Select the text you want to format in another font size .
  2. Press the key combination [Ctrl - <] to reduce the font size by 2 points.
  3. Press  [Ctrl - Shift - <] to  increase the font size to 2 points.

Reset font size by key combination

  1. Select the desired area
  2. Press the key combination [Ctrl-Space] .
  3. This assigns the marker the default paragraph style and all characters will be the size defined there.

Keep in mind that this will also reset any other manual formatting that may be present. Note at a later time that this was not a good shortcut, press [Ctrl - Z] to restore the previous state and assign the character size (still existing) via the menu line.


  • If you only want to format one word in larger or smaller font, you do not need to mark the word. All it takes is a mouse click on the word so that the cursor is positioned somewhere in that word.
  • In an empty document or at the end of a text, you can also set the font as described without marking anything. Then the change applies to all characters entered afterwards.

by (552k points)
+3 votes

Internet Explorer
Mozilla / Firefox
Both of them

It has become a common functionality to a large number of news websites, but in my opinion it is a more than expendable functionality, in fact it would not be necessary in those well designed pages and with an adequate default font size.

On the other hand browsers such as Firefox or Internet Explorer allow us to modify the size of the texts of the visited page, with these two browsers we cover 90% of Internet users ... let's see how we would do it.

Internet Explorer

If you use Internet Explorer and want to change the font size on a page, perform the following procedure:

  1. Select the View tab from the browser menu.
  2. Then go to the Text size option and select the presentation of the text you prefer.
  3. The default option of the Text size that is selected is Medium, you can change it according to your preferences to Large or Large and thus increase the font size on the page.

Mozilla / Firefox

If you use Mozilla / Firefox and want to change the font size on the visited page, perform the following procedure:

  1. Select the View tab from the browser menu.
  2. Then go to the Text size option and select the option you prefer.
  3. You can select Increase to increase or Decrease to reduce the font size in the portal.

Even so, in spite of all this, your website needs these icons / buttons to change the font size, it is probably necessary in those pages that are intended for older people or in sites where for any reason the size of The default letter is too large or too small.

Both of them

In both keyboard shortcuts are very practical:

With CTRL and + we increase the font size.
With CTRL and - we reduce the font size.

by (552k points)

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